Sunday, December 12, 2010



1. Causes and diagnostic evaluation of a patient suffering from pyrexia of unknown origin
2. Types, clinical presentation and management of normal pressure hydrocephalus.
3. What is anion gap ? Describe its significance in evaluation of Blood gas analysis.
4. Causes and diagnostic evaluation of a patient with Acute Diarrhea.
5. Predisposing conditions, clinical features and treatment of Pellegra.
6. Define antiphospholipid antibody syndrome and describe its diagnostic criteria and management.
7. Diagnosis and management of renal osteodystrophy.
8. Define bonemarrow failure syndrome and describe its management.
9. What is pre hypertension. Describe the risk factor associated and its management.
10. Etiological causes, clinical presentation and management of ventilator associated pneumonia.
1. Define autoimmune hepatitis. Describe its immunopathogenesis and management.
2. What are causes of superior vena caval obstruction? Describe its clinical presentation and investigative approach.
3. Describe Dukes criteria for infective endocarditis.
4. Define Guillian barry syndrome. Describe its immuno pathogenesis, diagnostic criteria and management.
5. Describe the causes of subclinical hypothyroidism. And current line of management.
6. Define acute respiratory distress syndrome. describe its clinical course and management.
7. Describe the clinical manifestations and management of scorpio sting/ Bite.
8. What are asphyxiants. Describe their mode of action. Comment briefly on clinical features and treatment of asphyxiant poisonings.
9. Describe clinical presentation and management of HIV associated nephropathy.
10. Define waldenstorms macroglobulinemia. Describe its clinical presentation , diagnostic evaluatiuon and treatment.

1. Define MDR Tb and XDR TB. How to suspect it and drug protocol used in MDRTB ?
2. Define and enumerate common autosomal recessive disorders. Describe the genetic disturbances and clinical manifestations of Friedricks ataxia.
3. Enumerate the causes of ERYTHEMA NOOSUM and describe its management.
4. Describe the ill effects of smoking and steps to help smoking cessation.
5. Define Brain death and outline the means of ascertatining brain death.
6. How would you investigate a case of Hirsutism.
7. Discuss Irritable bowel syndrome with respect to pathophysiology, clinical presentation and management.
8. Describe various ventilatory functions. What are normal flow volume curves and how to differentiate between obstructive and restrictive lung disease.
9. Dscribe clinical presentation and management of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.
10. Describe the diagnostic criteria and managememnt of Gestational Diabetes.


1. Discuss the structure and function of spleen. How does splenectomy alter the response to microbial infection.
2. Describe Uric acid metabolism. What are mechanisms of hyperurecemia and what are its complications.
3. Discuss the mechanism of resistance to antimicrobial agents.
4. Define epidemiology. Discuss its various components and utility as applicable to clinical medicine.
5. Discuss the differential of head ache and describe the pharmacological modalities for the treatment of migraine.
6. What are principles of immunizations. Discuss adult immunization.
7. Discuss Parenteral nutrition and hazards associated with its longterm use.
8. Describe etiopathogenesis, hazards and treatment modality of obesity.
9. List various types of ionizing radiation. What are their biological effects. Comment on role of radiation therapy with relation to cancer.
10. What is case definition of Novel Influenza A ( H1N1) ? Describe the guidelines for sample collection ( including handling ) for laboratory diagnosis.